Rainer – Healing Educator and certificated TANTRA Masseur
Throughout many years of leading arttherapeutic projects have I worked with various methods of creativ personal developmend. Since 2009 I give tantric massages and have to deepen in the following years in a tantra institute my skills and train.In my vocation as a medical masseur and personal tantra coach, this experience are included in each session.
Tantra Training brings your own vision to life
Within two years of intensive tantra training, I realize my vision to unite wellness and tantric elements in sensual TANTRA TRIPS. Since I accompany men in their different life stages and processes.
- my passion is the holistic entegrated massage
- knowledge of an alternative practitioner
- sensuality and deep relaxation mellt together in a 1 – 3 hour session
With all those experiance I have come to recognize, that while giving the massage I do come in deep contact with my personal being. The tantra-ritual, the respectfull handling of sexual erergy combined with the flow of pesonal touch exite me, every time I practice my work.
I do not want to analyze or reflect your psyche, but solve the energy blockages in the body and energy system. Tantra means to live from the gut. That’s why a tantra massage session is not therapeutic, but wonderfully headless. Because all we want is to arouse the energy in the pelvis to bring it up into your belly, into your heart and into your upper energy centers neck and forehead. The head is turned on before the session to create a personal, mindful tantric space for you.
Sensible methods and means
- Empathy, openness and genuine interest in your topics and wishes
- Individual tantra training and courses at your own pace and time intervals
- Self-determined selection of a variety oftantric tools and high quality sensory materials
- Integrated relaxation, immagination and meditation techniques as needed
- Competent companionship at eye level without fear and evaluation
- Precious bathing rituals with care products from the Rituals collection
What happens in a Tantra-Training ?
Tantra Training is a practice path with a wide variety of methods, techniques and rituals. The goal is your highest possible realization. It is about the consciousness in which man is in the deepest peace and highest bliss at the same time.The fusion of tantra massages and creative trance you give beyond the possibility to come into contact with the magic of tantra. In several coordinated sessions you get secure access to your hidden treasures. We also will develop a clear vision for your future.
Contact with the own essence, the journey for their own interior, forms the basic orientation in your personnel tantra training. We initiate together an experiential space, where you can explore the different layers of your personality and how they can associate with your outer, real world. In this creative process painstakingly to the following topics will take place: sex, relaxation and meditation, relationship skills, self-love, ecstasy and passion, light and dark sides.
Profit from my network; Get to know other men interested in Tantra and enrich your life with deep, with feeling encounters and friendships.
Tantra-Training in nature and online
In times of Corona, the training takes place in nature and online. The training units are all taking into account the given precautionary and hygienic measures and of course direct, intense body contact only with a person you know. At a later point (after relaxation of the general situation), step by step intense, touching elements will be included. The tantra trips via skype I developed give you a first impression of how your training can look like. I also provide you with online films, meditations and rituals so that you can train optimally. You can now put together your training individually from various modules. It is best to start with your training in nature and then continue it online.
More Information how to enjoy a tantra-training online via SKYPE.
Preliminary 95 €
Intensive preliminary discussion and personal coordination of the training plan in nature, telephone and email: 180 min.
Online training 285 €
Online training including rituals, films, meditations and the 4 tantra trips via Skype * Temple Session of Senses * – * Body Electric * – * Secret Garden * – * Dark Eros * on 4 dates total 240 min.
Training in nature 80 €
75 minutes
Training in nature 118 €
120 minutes
On site Tantra-Training and in Groups
Under TANTRA-TRIPS you’ll see many suggestions as your Tantra-Training can proceed. After a first massage appointment, we decide in a personal conversation with which tools we can relish your tantric way. The special feature is the interweaving of the ecstatic and meditative tantra with tantra massage and wellness. This creates experience spaces in which you simultaneously experience confrontation, growth and healing – as well as deep relaxation, closeness and security.
In doing so, you yourself decide the tempo and time intervals of the training. A training session always includes 4 Tantra Trips, which you can complete in a period of 6 months. It s also possibel to book a trip in your set of 4 several times. If necessary, I will provide you with films, meditations and rituals online so that you can further deepen your experience at home.
Tantra Trips 660€
Tantra Training with the 4 Tantra Trips; *Temple Session of Senses* – *Body Electric* – *Secret Garden* – *Dark Eros*
Tantra Training 25€
Tantra Training in a group up to 4 persons 210 minutes
Positive whole effect:
- Increase of the Libidos / dear ability / heart opening
- Purification and decontamination / suggestion of the metabolism
- Muscle relaxation (particularly back and shoulder musculature)
- Personal expression and freeing from sexual energy
- Connection with own spirituality
- Developing of sensuous experience ability – Well-being, distance of the everyday life, dismantling of stress and depressive disgruntlements
- To perceive security and the experience to itself as „newborn“.
- Increase of the vitality and joy of life.
- Connection of the sexual energy with other areas of life and aspects of the personality. Positive strengthening of the sexual identity.
- Depth relaxation of the whole body
- Increase of own contact and respect ability
- Healing from sexual injuries, wounds and traumatic experiences as a complement to a psychotherapeutic accompaniment
- Improvement of the overall situation with physical or mental disability